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TireMinder Smart TPMS – Smartphone Based Tire Pressure Monitor for RVs with 10 Transmitters


Availability: In stock

Introducing the next generation of tire pressure monitoring – now right on your smartphone or tablet! The new TireMinder Smart TPMS allows you to conveniently monitor your tires, proving safety alerts to help you achieve a greater level of peace of mind while traveling.

Features and Benefits

  • Tire Pressure Monitoring right from your smartphone
  • Compatible with iPhone, iPad and Android Smart Devices
  • Monitors tire pressure and temperature
  • Checks for tire issues every 6 seconds
  • Push notification alert system
  • 433Mhz to Bluetooth® BLE adapter maximizes signal range
  • Phone off? Bluetooth® BLE adapter provides constant alert protection
  • Automatically scroll between all tire positions
  • Auto-update function allows updated pressure readings in a touch
  • Easily add and remove transmitters with a simple press
  • Sophisticated alert system provides early warning detection of tire issues
  • Includes our brand new “RHINO” signal booster

Requires iOS 7+ or Android 4.4+

TireMinder Smart TPMS Manual

TireMinder Smart TPMS English Manual

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TireMinder Smart TPMS Installation Video

TireMinder Smart TPMS Frequently Asked Questions

What is the TireMinder Smart TPMS?

The TireMinder Smart TPMS is a smartphone based tire pressure monitoring system that displays tire pressure and temperature information on your phone. The Smart TPMS works by transferring tire readings from the lightweight TireMinder Transmitters using the 433Mhz frequency to the included Bluetooth LE Adapter, which then transmits the tire information to your phone via Bluetooth LE (Low Energy).

How Often Does the Tire Pressure and Temperature Update?

The TireMinder Transmitters will look for a tire issue every 6 seconds, if a tire issue is found the system will immediately alert. If no issue is found, the TireMinder Transmitters will send updated pressure and temperature readings every 4 minutes.

What Type of Tire Issues Does the TireMinder Smart TPMS Monitor for?

In simple terms, the TireMinder Smart TPMS will monitor tire issues such as rapid air loss, slow pressure leaks, low pressures, high pressures, blow-outs and high temperatures. The exact TireMinder Smart TPMS alert parameters are:

  • Pressure loss of 3 PSI or more in less than 2 minutes.
  • Pressure loss of 6 PSI or more in 2 to 10 minutes.
  • Pressure loss of 15% or more of the baseline pressure.
  • Pressure increase of 20% or more of the baseline pressure.
  • Internal tire temperature of 167°F (75°C).
  • Internal tire temperature that exceeds 185°F (85°C).

What Do I Need to Have in Order to Use the TireMinder Smart TPMS?

You will need:

  1. An iPhone, iPad or Android device using either iOS 7 or higher or Android 4.4 or higher.
  2. Your device must be compatible with Bluetooth 4.0 or higher (iPhone 4S or higher/Most Flagship Android Devices from the past two years. Please contact your manufacture for exact specifications.).
  3. Access to the Apple App Store or Google Play (the TireMinder Smart TPMS does not support 3rd party app stores).

What Will Happen if a Tire Issue Occurs?

When a tire issue occurs, the TireMinder TPMS App will post a notification describing the tire issue. When the app is open it will display the tire position that the issue is occurring and providing information on the specific tire issue. The TireMinder Bluetooth Adapter (included with the TireMinder Smart TPMS) will display a red flashing light along with an audible alarm.

Will TireMinder Smart TPMS Conflict With My Bluetooth Audio System or Bluetooth Phone/Headset System?

Simple Answer: No, the TireMinder Smart TPMS will not conflict with other Bluetooth devices.

The TireMinder Smart TPMS uses Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to connect to your phone or tablet. Your phone or tablet will be able to connect to at least 10 Bluetooth LE devices simultaneously without disrupting communication. Bluetooth LE will also not interfere with older Bluetooth connections (e.g. Bluetooth 2.0, 2.1) which is the most likely version of Bluetooth used by your RV (or car) stereo for both music and phone audio.

Does the TireMinder Smart TPMS use Data?

There are 3 times when the TireMinder Smart TPMS will consume data:

  1. When you initially download the TireMinder TPMS app from your app store.
  2. If there is an update to the TireMinder Smart TPMS manual, which is located under “Help”. This will consume less than 1 MB of data.
  3. If there is an update available for your Bluetooth adapter. This will consume less than 50KB of data.

Can I Use an iPod Touch with the TireMinder Smart TPMS?

Yes, the iPod Touch may be used with the TireMinder Smart TPMS, as long as it is Generation 5 or greater.

To confirm your iPod Touch Generation, please check it’s model number. The model number can be found in Settings -> General -> About -> Model. The model number may also be located on the back of the iPod Touch (see image below). How to identify your iPod Touch's model number

6th Generation Model Number and Date Introduced

  • A1574: 2015-07

5th Generation Model Number and Date Introduced

  • A1509: 2014-06
  • A1509: 2013-05
  • A1421: 2013-05
  • A1421: 2012-10

Only the above models are compatible with the TireMinder Smart TPMS (as of December 2, 2016) due to the Bluetooth 4.0 requirement.

iOS 11 Connectivity Issues

If you are having issues connecting to the TireMinder Bluetooth Adapter after updating to iOS 11, please delete the TireMinder app and reinstall. This is only required if you are having connectivity issues.