(772) 463-6522

Battery Replacement

Battery Exchange Program

Program Details

Minder Research, Inc. offers a battery replacement program free to registered users* of TireMinder TM66, TM-77, A1A and Smart TPMS Tire Pressure Monitoring Systems until 2022. This program includes an annual replacement of transmitter batteries and O-rings.

To request batteries please visit our online request form (Battery Request). Note, you must register your TireMinder TPMS to be eligible for this program. To register your system, simply send us your TireMinder Warranty Card and a copy of your proof of purchase. Registration can be submitted by emailing your warranty card and proof of purchase to info@MinderResearch.com. You can also send a your warranty card and proof of purchase by mail to:

Minder Research, Inc.
3000 SE Waaler Street
Stuart, FL 34997 USA

Maintenance of the TireMinder® transmitter is extremely important to the overall safety and efficiency of the product. To show we are dedicated to our customer’s safety, we greatly encourage our customers to take advantage of this program.

TireMinder TPMS Battery Replacement Program

Proper Disposal

Even though our new program no longer requires the batteries be sent to us, we do highly encourage you to properly dispose of your CR1632 batteries.

Free Battery Disposal Locations:

  • Staples
  • Batteries Plus
  • Your Local City or County Disposal Facility

What is a registered user?

*A registered user is an owner of a TireMinder® TPMS who has registered their warranty card and proof of purchase with Minder Research Incorporated. Please call (772) 463-6522 or email us at info@minderresearch.com for more information.

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