(772) 463-6522

Extender Friction – How a Little Friction Can Cause a Lot of Trouble


Extender Friction – How a Little Friction Can Cause a Lot of Trouble

RV extender with friction damage which caused a leak.

Over the past week our customer, Jerry, shared a story with us about how his TireMinder TPMS helped him find an extender that was leaking. The most interesting part was that the extender was leaking caused from fricition. As you see above, friction eroded the metal of his extender down enough to create a hole one the outside of the extender.

RV extender with friction damage which caused a leak.

We wanted to share this story with you because we want to make all of our customers, and all RVers for that matter, aware of the issues that can occur when an extender is rubbing up against a tire rim. After installing new extenders or before hitting the road, make certain that your extenders are not rubbing up against your tire rim.

We here at Minder wish you a great summer and, as always, be “Safe on the Road!”